Human beings are born with a desire to share Love with others. Love is an energy that can't be controlled or managed; it must flow. For this flow to happen, it is necessary that we give and receive Love. It feels good to give Love to others; your heart connects with all you genuinely Love, and it opens up and transmits this energy. But what about receiving Love? It seems that we have more difficulty to receive than to give Love. There are moments in a person's life when Love is what they want the most but cannot feel. When there is no flow, no energy, the heart closes; nothing goes in or out. You may stop giving or receiving Love or both. You may have been disappointed, rejected, betrayed, and, as a protection mechanism, you have put your heart in a castle with thick walls to protect yourself from others who you think can hurt you again. You guard your heart because you are wounded. You may believe that this is the best solution to avoid suffering, but what you did was put your heart in the castle's prison and throw the key away. Now your heart is protected but unable to express its precious energy of Love. Time passes, and you may decide to put the walls down and start allowing the heart to open again. But some individuals who suffered a deep wound stop trusting Love forever. Love will never betray or abandon you. A human being may, but Love will always be with you because it is the energy that runs through you. It is your real essence. You have plenty of Love within you and may be unaware of it. You are a source of Love. When you truly learn to Love yourself, you understand this and stop looking for Love outside of yourself. If you have plenty of Love, you can share it with others. You not only give but also learn to receive, recognize, and appreciate all the Love shown to you. Love comes in many forms: support, guidance, compliments, smiles, kisses, hugs, presents, resources, service, words of encouragement, empowerment, kind acts, a bouquet, a home-cooked meal… and many others. Very often, we take Love for granted. Sometimes, we don't value the Love we receive until we lose it. Pay attention to the Love that you get every day. It is for you, and it is valuable and deserves to be acknowledged. The more Love you feel for yourself, the more you can share Love with others without asking anything in return for your Love. We have been educated in a system focused on giving Love; others go first. When we are born, we are great givers of Love, but during childhood, we start believing that we must give Love to receive it. Very early in life, you learn conditional Love. That's not true Love. You can give the Love you have cultivated to anyone or anything you want, just because you decide to do it, regardless of who the other is or if they deserve to be loved. This is unconditional Love. Today, look around you and appreciate all the gifts of Love you have. They not only come from other human beings. Look at your pet and the Love it gives you, the plants in your home and garden that provide you with air, flowers, and fruits, or the sun that rises to allow you to enjoy a new day, light, and life. Appreciate the whole Universe around you. Be present enough to experience all the Love that comes your way each day. Receive and appreciate it. If you don't see Love around you, create it yourself. Bring the Love you are and have to Earth. This planet will be a different, more loving place just because you did. This is the best contribution to humanity and the Universe you can make. As an ambassador of Love, I am here to remind you that you are loved as you are. Can you receive these loving words? "Not allowing ourselves to be congratulated, celebrated, appreciated, nourished, or loved by people and events outside ourselves is a
defense designed to protect us from psychic pain. Barriers to love are erected in our unconscious as it acts on behalf of our own survival" Harville Hendrix
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It is wonderful to feel Love towards someone close to you, your family, pet, children, or friends. Your heart is open, and you feel the uplifting energy of Love that creates so much joy in your life. Love is coming back to you, and you feel recognized and connected. To give and to receive Love is the secret of a happy life. But can you be intentionally loving with everyone and everything you meet today? It can be a challenge, but it is possible. We tend to reserve our Love for those close to us. What you can do, is to extend this Love to all around you. A way of being loving is to be more generous with your greetings and good wishes, with your smiles, kisses, hugs, and compliments, be grateful and appreciative, acknowledge the presence of others, listen deeply to what others have to say, share loving messages or call someone to say "You are important to me." Any little act of kindness can be important in another person's eyes, even if it is holding the door or helping someone with the supermarket bags. See how you can add more Love, and good ideas will come to your mind. Love needs to be demonstrated in action. It can be a big or a small act of Love; it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you focus on being loving. Your energy of Love will do the rest. Love is energy and can travel. You can send it to different places using only your intention. You can send Love to someone without sending a text or communicating it with words. Love will go wherever it is sent. Where do you want to send your Love today? You can just close your eyes and connect with Love. You can project Love, and you can do it by thinking about a loving experience you had. Focus on this until you feel the Love appearing in your heart. Once you feel the Love within yourself, make it more intense and focus on sending it out. Visualize how it goes out of you and is all around you. Then, see how it fills your room, the building, the city, and the entire state or area. Your Love keeps expanding until it covers all territories, countries, and planet Earth. It is your Love; you created it, and you decide where you want to send it. Look at the world with awe. Notice what is happening around you. Start developing a sense of appreciation for everything that you encounter. This appreciation will make you closer to Love. It is the first step. Love is not only this romantic feeling you see in movies; it is something you can decide to experience, create within yourself, and share with the whole world. Refrain from judging what is happening and focus on the Love around you. Consciously choose to be more loving. Choose loving thoughts expressed through loving words, and act lovingly. It is an experience you can decide to have. Today, look around you and find opportunities to Love with all your intention. "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have thepotential to turn a life around”
Leo Buscaglia You are part of the natural world. Even though it may seem that you are a different entity, you are made of the same elements as nature. You and nature share the planet Earth, the air you breathe, and the water you drink. The calcium in your bones, the iron in your blood, the nitrogen in your DNA, and many other things are present in you and in the Cosmos. You are made of the same stuff as the Universe. We live separated from the natural world as if we weren’t a part of it. We have gardens and plants at home, and we enjoy them. We go to the beach, the mountain, or a natural park, but it is as if we visit someone and then we say goodbye and return to our life. We may have a beautiful tree in front of our home, and we don’t even realize if it has more leaves or is blossoming, or if our home plant is asking for water. Our ancestors lived more connected to nature than us and clearly understood that we depend on natural resources for our survival. We take for granted the drinking water we get from the tap and the food we buy in the supermarket. You don’t need to be a farmer to understand that all you need to survive comes from Mother Earth, who willingly shares its abundance with us. In our modern way of living, we have forgotten that if we don’t take care of Mother Earth, we won’t be able to survive. Shouldn’t we Love our nurturing mother? Loving something means appreciating it, respecting it, connecting with it. The natural world is not there to be observed but to be part of it. We should cultivate an attitude of gratefulness towards the world we live in. Have you ever said thank you to the sun for illuminating your existence? Have you appreciated the water you drink when it enters your body and becomes part of you? Have you been thankful for the cool breeze on your face on a hot day? By becoming aware of the natural world and being present in it, you can understand that you are part of a bigger system than yourself, and that you are connected to it. The natural world is not out there, it is within you; it is part of who you are. When you forget this, it becomes easier to allow damage to be done to your planet. We all do it through our daily choices, allowing water, air, and soil to be polluted and the planet to degrade. If you want to feel one with everyone and everything that exists, look at the sky full of stars at night or the vastness of the sea all the way to the horizon. We all are pieces of a perfect ecosystem. We should live in sync with the natural world and respect and honor Earth, our home. You are just another being, an inhabitant of Earth, like a flower, a mountain, or a giraffe. Feeling that you belong to the natural world will allow you to cultivate a more profound connection with who you are and everything that exists and develop a sense of gratitude for it. Today, look around you with awe and Love what you see. "There is a deep interconnectedness of all life on earth, from the tiniest organisms, to the largest ecosystems, and absolutely between each person"
Bryant McGill Are you aware of what you say and how you say it? Maybe when you are preparing for a presentation, or you want to impress someone you care about, you choose your words carefully and decide to be the most likable version of yourself. But admit it, most of the time, you don’t pay much attention to the energy behind your words, your tone of voice, or how it will affect others when you express yourself with anger, say mean things, or scream at your child or partner. Unmindful speech is widespread. Speaking with Love means becoming aware of your speech and consciously choosing words that can create hope, confidence, joy, and Love. Tomorrow, say something nice to someone, but not as an obligation, to look good, cheer up the other person, or to motivate an employee. Say it because you feel it. Because these words you are pronouncing come from your heart and are part of your nature. Remember, it is free to add some Love to your speech. Really listen, and be present with whom you are. Be all ears. Listen with compassion. You can end someone’s suffering just by listening deeply to them. You don’t need to solve their problems; just by being fully present, the person that is with you will feel comforted and stronger than before. Bring calmness and loving energy to every conversation you have, and you will see a totally different reaction from those with whom you interact. Emphasize the good, the positive, and the uplifting when you speak with your children, partner, friends, or colleagues at work. Every time you open your mouth, you have the opportunity to transform who you are and the world around you. Imagine how many opportunities you have every day! Select your words carefully to be sure you don’t create discord, separation, anger, or division between groups or communities. Realize when you judge, criticize, or gossip just because you have always done it and everyone around you does it. Maybe we all should speak less and listen more. Speak mindfully. All your body speaks. How relaxed you are, how present you become, how you look at the other person, and what your eyes express, are part of what you say and how you listen. Maybe you believe that people only receive what you say, but this is not the case. Many people can read your energy. Children, especially the little ones, do it all the time. They know if you are happy or sad, stressed or calm. They may not understand the words, but they know what is in your heart. Many books have been written about body language. You can lie, but you cannot avoid your body telling the truth about your being. You have to embody what you say, or it won’t work. You cannot say: ”Darling, I Love you” if your words are empty and you are pretending. You have to feel the Love; you need to have it inside yourself to truly give it. Let’s become Love and bring it to the world. Should we practice? I’ll start: I am sending lots of Love to you. You deserve it! "Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power
of your word in the direction of truth and Love" Don Miguel Ruiz Love is not a passing feeling that can be taken from you or something you withdraw from. Love is an energy that carries you away. If you have fallen in Love once in your life, you will surely remember the unbelievable sensation you felt. You didn't even need to be in that person's presence to feel the Love. Remembering a moment you spent together will provoke the amazing sensation of the Love you felt inside yourself. But what happens when time passes, and the honeymoon effect diminishes? Can you be in Love all your life? It seems complicated to be in Love forever in a romantic relationship because Love transforms and changes. It transforms you and the other person. It becomes more profound and changes into something that does not happen automatically. When Love deepens, and intimacy grows, you may not be in Love or feel the same adoration and passion, but you choose to share the Love you have. There is a Love that resides within you. Nobody can take it from you because you create it. You are the one that cultivates it. With this Love you go through life with an open heart, allowing Love to flow freely and arrive to others. It is not romantic Love but True Love. It is a Love that sees the other as they are, not as you desire, imagine, or want. It is a Love that accepts and doesn't judge others. It is a Love that forgives the other person's faults, and yours. We don't have a different name to call this kind of Love, we use the same word, but it is a different concept. I can say I like you, but it does not seem good enough. I will call it appreciation instead because it adds a dimension to Love. To appreciate something, I have to see, notice, and take it into account, and then I can say that I appreciate it. It is also connected with gratefulness. I appreciate you as you are, and as a result, I feel grateful to be able to share my Love with you. Love is universal; we all have it and can share it with everything that exists. Every language has different expressions for Love. For example, in Spanish, the expression "Te quiero" could be translated as "I want you." But it doesn't matter if I say "Ti amo," "Je t'aime," or "T'estimo." What matters is that I mean what I say. Love is not a word; it is a state of being that must be shown through your actions. ”Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment”
Barbara De Angelis Have you experienced a sensation of knowing someone profoundly, but you have just met them? A feeling of familiarity with someone you just met can indicate a soul connection. You may look at a stranger in the eyes and feel totally connected to this being. You have never met, but it seems your hearts know each other. But what does all of this mean? You have a different family than the one in the flesh. You belong to a group of souls with whom you travel through lifetimes- they are your soul family. You will meet with some of these beings during this incarnation. They may serve you in so many different ways. Some beings will stay with you for a long time, and others may just cross paths with you. No matter how long the encounter is, it will be an important one. Soul Mates enter this category of soul connections, but they are not the only ones. You are connected at a soul level with people with whom you won’t establish a romantic relationship, or maybe not even a so-called relationship, because your encounter will be short but serve a good purpose in your life. Soul connections may include those beings you call friends, lovers, good colleagues, partners, and also family members. Souls, incarnated or not, serve each other and establish agreements to help one another go through challenges and grow. A person with whom you feel a sense of affinity and have known for some time may play a significant role in your life, but a new acquaintance can do the same. It all depends on your connection. Usually, souls agree to help each other with a definite purpose once both are incarnated, but it can also be done when one soul is on the other side. A being may have talents you will need in this incarnation or may support you in a way you cannot do for yourself. These souls may appear in your life when needed without being called because there was an agreement in place from before. Some may stay in your life and support you for a long time, and others can meet you briefly, stay while needed, and then leave until your next encounter. Serving others may not be what you imagine. Suppose I have decided to increase the Love for myself in this incarnation. In that case, I might establish a relationship with someone who does it and awakens this state of being within me. But I can connect with someone who loves themselves but doesn’t invite me to do so, and I, by myself because of this experience, will learn to do it on my own. Both paths are possible. Once incarnated on Earth, souls aim for unconditional Love, but don’t live it all the time. We are learning to Love. Your connections at a soul level are vital in your path of development, and will be there to help you with different matters you have decided to resolve in this lifetime, or to share the journey of Love with you. You will distinguish them for the Love you share. It doesn’t mean the relationship is perfect, but it will undoubtedly transform your life forever. “Maybe it’s not about the length of time you’ve known someone; maybe it’s about instant recognition on an unconscious level. Our souls know each other.”
S. E. Hall Every experience you have during your day is an opportunity to choose Love. How you decide to act in every moment matters. Don’t look at the big occasions; look at the small moments in your life when you react in anger, or lose your temper, when someone says or does something that triggers an instant reaction within you. When you find yourself in one of these moments, ask yourself: why am I reacting this way now? The answer might be that you are taking what the other person is saying or doing personally. But what people do is because of themselves, not because of you. Their acts or interactions with you show who they are and what they think, and have nothing to do with who you are. But throughout your life, you may have learned to take things personally and interpret the interactions with others as “things people do to me.” But they don’t really do anything to you, they do it to themselves. The other day I had an uncomfortable interaction with the person at the security desk in my building. She told me something in a bad tone; she was rude. It was late, and I was tired. My answer to her was to question why I had to do what she was asking me to. I used the same bad tone she had used to talk to me. She triggered something within me. But none of that matters. I missed an opportunity to choose Love, to answer calmly and politely to her, in a loving way. I forgot that her behavior was all about her, her bad mood, or maybe her way of being. It had nothing to do with me. Don’t look at what others do; look at what you feel when others do something. Remember that nobody is able to make you think or feel anything; only you can. Then take the time to observe what you think and feel in that moment, and ask yourself: Why am I feeling this now? It may feel challenging to do at the moment when you are in the experience, but try anyway or do it later. Become aware of what is happening within you. When you observe yourself and become aware of your reactions without blaming others, you discover valuable things about yourself, like patterns of thought and behavior. Maybe they have always been there, but you never saw them before. You may remember similar situations you lived in the past where you were triggered in the same way, or realize that the relationship with certain kinds of people has always been challenging for you. When I asked myself why I reacted in my encounter with the security person, I noticed that it had something to do with my opinion about authority figures and the abuse of power. I also saw that I felt “less than” when she treated me in a way I considered disrespectful. It was not about her; it was about me and how I see the world and myself. She touched many things within me. But they are not reasons for not choosing peace, Love, and harmony no matter what her way of being was. Love is a state of being, not something you decide to share with some people and not with others. You are Love, and you can show it everywhere you go, at the supermarket, at work, in the post office, gym, or with your family and friends. Decide not to take things personally; do it because you Love yourself. Allow others to make their own choices. It is not your task to judge them. If you want more Love in the world, start bringing more Love into your life and those around you. Don’t ask others to be loving. Bring the Love yourself. You can say what you want to say, declare what you consider unacceptable, or set up boundaries. But do it without answering aggression with aggression, anger with anger, and unkindness with unkindness. The world we live in can be transformed if you decide to transform yourself. We are always waiting for things to change, but you are the change agent. In every moment of your life, you have a choice; always choose Love. The kind of Love that includes peace, kindness, harmony, balance, awareness, understanding, patience, and forgiveness. Choose Love in action. "The people who inspire me most are those who are willing to see the world from a loving perspective. People who perceive obstacles as opportunities and problems as
spiritual assignments. People who choose Love" Gabrielle Bernstein We all want to be loved and appreciated for who we are. We wish to establish relationships that are easy and bring amazing Love and happiness to our lives. But many times, we have problems in our relationships, and we suffer. Love becomes a complicated matter. How can we learn to Love better? By loving. Loving more and more. Love starts within yourself. The greatest Love of all, is the Love you have for yourself. The more Self-Love you cultivate, the more Love you will generate and can share with others. When you are in a relationship, you share the Love that you already have. Love is not an exchange: you give me your Love, and I give you mine. It becomes something greater when you don’t put limits or conditions on your Love, and you Love freely and abundantly. Love Yourself to avoid complications in relationships. When problems arise, it may seem difficult not to take things personally in your relationships. But the way the other person acts only demonstrates who they are, not the amount of Love of which you are worthy. It is easy to interpret what others do to you and the pain you receive as: “I don’t deserve their Love,” “There is something wrong with me,” or “I am not good enough to be loved.” The more you Love yourself, the better you will avoid relationships where there is conflict and power struggles, judgments, the need to control, or drama. Love brings out the best in yourself. When you establish a relationship of any kind, remember that one of the purposes of relationships is that we are together to grow together. There are relationships that bring out the best of who you are. Just because you are with that person, you become a better you. These are the ones you should cultivate. You don’t have to share the same opinions about everything, but you need to respect the other person and give them enough room to grow. Look for what unites you, and don’t focus on your differences and what separates you. Love is not about solving someone else’s life. When you Love someone, you may feel the temptation of helping the other person “too much,” trying to fix their problems, saving them from their challenges, or sacrificing yourself for their wellbeing. When you do that, you are not really loving the other person; you may be controlling them. You take away their opportunities to change, grow and learn in their own way, or make their decisions. To be real, Love has to be free. It cannot be managed or strategized. It has to flow. Pay attention to yourself to discover patterns of thought or behavior that you may not have realized. For example, when you fear being abandoned, this fear can be triggered unexpectedly. If you are afraid of losing Love, you may change your behavior to be sure you please the other person and that the relationship continues. What you don’t realize is that you stop being yourself. You disappear and give your power away to be sure the other person stays in the relationship, because to receive their Love is more important than yourself. You are not free anymore; you are attached to a Love you don’t want to lose. Love is a decision you make daily. It is not a passing feeling. It is a state of being. You decide to Love. You can Love others in spite of who they are because it is your decision. You decide with whom you share your Love. You can Love the entire Universe and everything on it, including its oceans, trees, and animals, or just your loved ones. It is up to you. The more Love you share, the more you will receive. It multiplies. The Love you give will always return to you. Love is always within YOU. "We really have to understand the person we want to love. If our love is only a will to possess,
it is not love. If we only think of ourselves, if we know only our own needs and ignore the needs of the other person, we cannot love" Thich Nhat Hanh Love is the powerful force that connects all of us, and all that exists. It is the reason for our existence and the energy that transforms us. How can it be more present in our lives? Love is an energy you can tap. It is not a passing feeling. It is an option you have to choose. Demonstrate your Love with your actions. Choose to respond to your life experiences with Love. Strong Love, true Love, Love with power, Love that stays present, is compassionate, and never gives up. You can start by adding more Love to the relationship with yourself. Appreciate who you are. Give yourself more hugs. The more connected you are with Love, the better you will be able to share it with those around you in the form of kindness, peacefulness, smiles, and other acts of Love. Every little Love gesture counts and adds to the total. Don’t miss any opportunity to be more loving and less critical with yourself. You can connect with the Love and experience it inside yourself as frequently as you want. It takes just a couple of minutes, and it is very rewarding. You can do this by thinking of someone you Love deeply, like your children or pet, anyone who allows you to feel Love instantly. You can also remember a loving moment you shared with someone. Be there, feel it, dive into it. Stay there enjoying the moment. Just focus on Love. If there is something you want to change, such as a relationship that is not working, or the fact that people starve, don’t get angry, frustrated, or disappointed by the situation. Instead, add more Love into it by setting the intention that it can be resolved, that we can agree and take action to find a solution. Send your Love energetically, don’t ignore the situation. Trust that Love can affect and change it. Your Love can transform the world. This is how powerful Love is. The way you live and lead with Love will touch others, creating a more loving world. Tune into the Love that exists. There is Love around you. If you pay attention, you will see it and feel it. A family sharing a meal, a kid’s hug to a parent, a couple’s kiss of Love, a big smile someone offers you in a shop, the waiter that takes care of you lovingly in a restaurant, a colleague that provides a helping hand, a friend’s invitation for dinner... Look around and you will see a different world, one where Love is present and alive. A planet where Love exists and heals the wounds we have. Becoming more loving every day is up to you. Nothing has to change for you to do it. It all depends on you. Don’t wait until Love appears in your life; show your Love and more Love will arrive into your life. "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
Mother Teresa For some people, it is easier to give than to receive. We receive many instructions about how important it is to give during our education and in our culture. Good people Love and give to others is a message imprinted in our minds. We have many opportunities for giving, for being there when others need us, volunteering, checking on others, helping not only those you Love but everyone. And you get something out of it as well; it makes you feel great. It is so rewarding to serve others, to give, to offer what you have. Maybe nobody has explained to you that it is equally important to receive gracefully. We cannot only emphasize giving and forget the other end. Never put conditions to the Love you receive. Accept it with an open heart and be grateful for it. If something arrives to you it is because you deserve it. Be ready to receive without feeling that you have to give something in return. It is time to receive! You cannot receive what you don’t believe can be yours. Feeling unworthy of something guarantees that you cannot have it, and you may even reject it. Someone may offer you their Love and care, but you cannot accept or feel it because you don’t think you deserve it. Love is real when there is a flow of giving and receiving, when balance exists. We know how to Love, it is natural, but we often put limits to the Love we receive from others, stopping it from getting to us. You are a precious gift. Your uniqueness makes you special. Share yourself. Give yourself to others. Show the world who you are. Express your gifts. Don’t hide thinking that you are not good enough to be seen for who you are. You are not just one more human being. There is only one like you. Share your Love, smile, hugs, laughter, conversation, insights, compassion, your sense of humor. Give all of who you are and see what comes back to you. We also have to learn how to give to ourselves. We, inadvertently, may put ourselves last on our list. We keep giving until we are depleted. This Love, care, time, and attention you give to others, turn it in on yourself. Do it because you Love yourself. You deserve your own Love. You need the understanding and nurturing you offer to everyone. Devote time to know what you need and give it to you. I lost myself in relationships where I thought I had to give and give more to keep the relationship alive. I abandoned myself to nurture others. Now I know that it doesn’t work to give in this way. There has to be balance. There are moments to give, and it is so pleasurable to do it. But Love is not sacrificing. We need to replenish our batteries before they are empty, or we won’t be able to continue giving. In Love, we support others, but we need to support ourselves and be supported as well. Live and give Love, and open yourself to receiving it. "He had always known that to truly receive, you had to give. Now he understood the equal truth: that to be able to give with a whole heart you had to be prepared to receive in turn”
Elizabeth Rolls Love is always available. It never disappears or hides. You may forget that it is waiting for you to connect with, and that it is always around you, even when you don't consciously feel it. I'm not just talking about romantic Love, but Love for everything that exists. If you want to, you can have a heart-based connection with the world. You can focus on expanding your Love, compassion, and kindness. This will provoke an instant shift in the planet's energy, not only on you and those with whom you share your life. It seems that Love resides in your heart, the center of your power and existence. Your energetic center and source of vital energy. But Love, as an energy, can be everywhere simultaneously and travels without boundaries or any means of transportation. You can send Love to anyone you want, and the only thing you need is your intention. It will arrive safely and instantly, and it will be received by the person or group of people you have sent it to. We feel Love and all human emotions and deep sensations in that area of our body we call the heart. It helps to know that there is a physical location where you can go to connect with the Love you feel. You can use this simple practice whenever you want to connect with Love. Put your hand in your heart and feel the Love inside of yourself. It is a force that resides within you. Be still in your heart. Allow Love to expand around your whole body, touching every particle of it. Now you are full of Love. Imagine that Love surrounds you as well, like a bubble. Imagine that your heart has doors, and they open up, allowing your Love to go out, filling the room where you are and everything it touches. And finally, your Love travels out of your home and into the world, and it is shared with everyone and everything. It is good for you to connect with Love regularly. It is important to maintain our hearts open, since certain events or disappointments can make us feel not loved or that our heart is broken. Sometimes we may feel that our heart is closed. That we cannot share and receive Love. We may feel disconnected from others, alone, or flooded by sadness. It is as if the point of connection were broken, and we cannot open our heart to Love again. We may be afraid of suffering and decide to ignore Love, but it doesn't work. Love will knock at your door again and again. You cannot live without it, because it is the reason why you are alive. It is what makes life worth living. It is the energy that connects us all. Choose to bring more Love to every encounter you have. Love without a reason. Love freely. Love because you want to. Love is more than a passing feeling or an intense emotion. It can be your state of being if you decide to make it so. "Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do"
David Wilkerson We as mortals think that all is over when someone passes away, but it is not the truth. You are eternal, and your Love is eternal as well. What connects us with the rest of the world is the energy that we call Love. And Love never disappears, even when the other person is not present in your life in bone and flesh. We connect not only in families and through Love bonds in the flesh, but in Soul families and Soul connections, as Soul Mates do lifetime after lifetime. I have researched the journey of the souls, I have been trained by Brian Weiss in past life regression therapy, and I have studied my own journey as a soul. I can tell you that no matter where you are, here or in a different realm, Love connects you with your loved ones. My heart is aching today. My father-in-law passed away in India, being near 100 years old. He is in a place where having a body is not necessary. He is returning to the essence of Love. He is meeting with his loved ones. Not in the flesh, as a human being, just as a being, energetically. We don’t have a total understanding of what happens when we “die.” I write it in brackets because there is not such a thing as death. It is just a transition to a different realm. A journey to a better place. Those who remain on Earth, grieving their lost ones, suffer a lot. We had a year of losses and death on Earth. All seems to be collapsing around us, but I say NO. I invite you to embrace life and to keep loving, even when loss happens, even when you are in pain. Those who have left Earth look at you from other realms hoping you keep living your life to the fullest. There is no separation between one world and another. You don’t need a medium to communicate with the deceased. You can do it yourself because the line that connects you is the Love you shared. Grieve, cry, get mad if you want to, but don’t get stuck in pain. Those who left Earth want the best for you. A loved one has never abandoned you. It is a human illusion. You are still all together, but not in the same way. They take care of you even from a distance, from a different realm. Ask your loved ones, those you have lost, for a sign, tell them to visit you in your dreams, have a conversation (in your imagination if you want) with them, or write a Love Letter to them if you have unsaid thoughts to declare. You can be reunited through Love. You will always be together in your heart because Love is eternal. If you want to work privately with me, call me at +1-646-204-4535 (WhatsApp), or send me an email at [email protected]. “When we understand the illusory nature of life and the profound power of eternal love, which enables us to create miracles and experience the presence of our deceased loved ones,
we find ourselves living with joy, hope and peace.” Susan Barbara Apollon All of us want to feel loved. Love is an important matter. We frequently talk about the heart and Love. We use lots of heart expressions, such as: "to have a change of heart," "be big-hearted," "broken-hearted," "with hope in the heart," "my heart bleeds." We understand that our heart, physically and emotionally speaking, plays an essential role in our lives. Do you know how to connect with your heart? I thought I did. The other day I was doing a guided meditation and the messages that it included were: connect with your heart, feel into your heart, know it by heart, breathe life into your heart, awaken to Love... It should be easy to follow these instructions, but it wasn’t. It is all about energy. I know it. It is about connecting with the energy of the heart. I know how to direct energy into my heart, but am I doing it? Am I connecting? I am so used to living in my head, in the world of thought, that it feels difficult to know how to connect with my heart. I realized that my heart is numbed. That I crave Love, passion, excitement and fulfillment in life but, at the same time, I don’t allow myself to feel all my feelings. Especially the painful ones. I tell myself that I am ok. I do it unconsciously, as a protective mechanism because I don’t want to suffer. But how can I feel the most intense joy if I don’t allow myself to feel the most profound sadness or sorrow? When we are afraid of suffering, we close the doors of the heart. The emotions can’t flow. Love cannot go in or out. And we feel disconnected and alone. Do you listen to your heart? From a medical perspective, we can listen to the physical heart better than ever. We have all sorts of technology to do it. We can monitor our heartbeat, measure our blood pressure and much more. But we don’t listen to what the heart has to say to us, or maybe we receive the messages and we ignore them. We trust rational thinking, our analytical mind. There is a different truth, the wisdom of the heart. Pay attention to the messages of your heart! A healthy heart is always open and allows the blood in without discrimination. It accepts and lets in. We do the same when we open our heart and allow the flow of Love from ourselves or others to come to us. The physical heart never holds back. It continually releases the blood to allow the flow in the circulatory system. It is what should happen with healthy Love. It should be a flow; we give and we receive Love. We have to be open to Love in order to receive, and never withdraw or stop the flow of Love. The heart keeps the life energy flowing, and Love keeps us alive. The heart is the center and the seat of Love. Let’s keep our sacred heart healthy, and allow it to be full of Love to share. It will shift your energy and the energy of those around you. I Love you from the bottom of my heart! "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -
they must be felt with the heart" Helen Keller We all want to be recognized, understood, and loved in our close relationships. It is crucial to invest energy in demonstrating to the person you are relating to that you really care about them. The most important gift you can offer a loved one is your undivided attention and a real interest in who they are. Don't take anyone for granted. You don't need try to guess who the person you Love is in essence, or what is important in their world. Ask questions! Show your interest in discovering their dreams, what they wish and why, what excites and worries them, what makes them feel happy or frustrated. Ask them anything that helps you understand them and their universe; what is the reason they wake up every morning, what they appreciate. Listen carefully to the answers. Be totally there, just listening without reacting, not trying to figure out a response. Just take it in. Once you have received all that the other person shared with you, you will realize that there were more than words. The body language, the tone of voice, how relaxed the person is, a smile, or the pauses or silence during the conversation, will tell you as much as the words this person chooses. Presence creates a real connection. To build a relationship, and to share, requires time. Many people are afraid of showing their real selves. They feel that if someone sees them as they are, they will stop loving them. They wear a mask or try to please everyone they are in a relationship with to get the Love they want. It isn't easy to know someone who doesn't want to open up, talk about real feelings or desires, or that is not really connected with themselves. When you really Love someone, your Love can provide a safe space and encourage this person to step out of their shell and be more authentically themselves. When you Love, do it unconditionally. Love the real person, flaws, stories, and past experiences included. Give the other the opportunity to express who they are. Being together for a long time doesn't mean that you know a person. Perhaps it is the opposite. Maybe this person has evolved and has changed without you realizing it. Perhaps now you only know the image you have of your loved one. Maybe because you see each other every day or speak regularly, you think you have a good idea about who they are. Or maybe you never arrived at this deep place of sharing your most intimate side. Building intimacy is an art, and it happens when presence, interest, and time are devoted to another being. If you want to experience true Love, connect from your heart with the one you have chosen to have in your life, this being that you consider special. When you spend time with someone, share yourself, all of you, be vulnerable and authentic. Allow yourself to be seen. Rediscover each other every moment you spend together as if it were the first time you saw each other, and share your Love. Look into the eyes of the person you Love and tell yourself, "I want to know all about you, to Love you even more. I want to see the depth of your essence." "The first duty of Love is to listen"
Paul Tillich Love is always available, always ready for you. You are loved, exactly as you are. Love doesn’t make distinctions and, like the sun, shines for everybody, including you. When you feel unlovable, it is because at that moment you cannot connect with Love. The paradox is that you won’t be able to receive Love from others until you can connect with the Love for yourself. Love starts within you. Appreciation for who you are, gratitude for all you have received, and self-reflection on your qualities and gifts will help you reopen the door of your heart and Love fully, totally, unconditionally. Love is the key to resolving any issue or challenge you have. Allow Love to guide your life. When you are afraid, connect with Love and you will feel powerful. When you feel sad, share your Love with others and you will feel an instant shift. When you feel unlovable or rejected, pause, and look for Love within yourself, this is true Love. When you are in pain, send some Love to the part of yourself that is aching and take proper care of it. Love can never hurt you or disappoint you. Maybe your heart was broken or is aching right now, but that’s not Love’s fault. Love is the healing force that will help it heal it. If a relationship, of any kind, doesn’t work the way you want, don’t get angry, disappointed, or sad, and put more Love into it. Love is the solution, not the problem. Once you can Love someone in spite of who they are, then you can leave the relationship without any loose ends or unfinished business. Love, and forgiveness, are what cures all, the Love for yourself. Love will never leave you because it lives within you. Love is energy and, like any other energy, it cannot be destroyed, only transformed. Your loved ones who are not with you anymore still Love you and take care of you. You may not feel it, but ancestors, many other beings, and loved ones who passed away, are there for you. They are still alive in your heart and in all the Love you shared. Love will never abandon you because it is eternal. Believe in Love! "Love is a state of being. Your Love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it,
and it cannot leave you. It is not dependent on some other body, some external form" Eckhart Tolle Keep your heart open. Pay attention to be sure you are not withholding your Love. Express it freely and totally. No matter what is happening in the world, you can always be loving. Love is now more necessary than ever. Love brings more Love. Be ready to receive it. There are so many ways to demonstrate Love to everyone through simple acts of Love. Wish a good day, smile frequently, and pay special attention to being kind to all the people you meet today, online or in person. Find opportunities to express your Love. Awake the Love within you and allow it to flow like a river. Appreciate every loving moment you witness. It doesn’t matter if you give or receive the Love, or if you recognize it in a song or a movie. Look for it. Become aware of its existence and celebrate it. Don’t take it for granted. Devote energy to connect with Love during your day. Love consciously, with intention, being present, and feeling connected with your heart. Love is so precious, pay enough attention to it. Cultivate it in your life passionately. You may have closed your heart to protect yourself, maybe you have been hurt in the past, or you are afraid to reopen old wounds. Don’t avoid the suffering or live in the world of thought, disconnected from your feelings. Name your feelings and accept them. Once you have recognized how you feel, allow it to be, don’t reject it, and nurture yourself. An open heart is the one that can release all the pain and become free to Love. Let go of anything that is not allowing you to give or receive Love. Release the suffering, the pain, the guilt, the sadness... We accumulate so much at an emotional level and we need to release. Show yourself tenderness. Compassion for your own suffering can only come from a warm heart, one with its doors open. Anything can open your heart. Yesterday I saw a movie called Hachi. It is a beautiful true story about a dog who had a special bond with his master who found him. In the middle of the movie I decided to stop watching it and I went to bed fearing that something would happen to the dog. I didn’t want to suffer. But I was wrong, something happened to its owner. When he died, the dog waited for him at the station, where he greeted him daily, every day, for the next 10 years. Today I saw the end and I cried a lot. My heart was really touched and it is more open than before. You cannot feel great joy if you are not able to feel the deepest pain. Life is full of experiences, and we must welcome all of them. This is the moment to be kind, to be loving towards yourself. If you cannot connect with the Love within yourself, connect with the Love for your children, pet, friend, partner, or any spiritual being. Love is Love, and it is always there for you. “When our heart is open, everything we do becomes Love”
Mimi Novic When you relate to others, be sure that you build a relationship that is authentic, no matter if it is with your life-partner, a colleague, a friend, or your children. See the other person as they are, and accept them completely, all of them. Don’t try to change, fix, or tell the other person how they must be to meet your standards. To have a relationship means to support the other person, to empower them, to be there for them, but also to respect the other person and their decisions, even when you don’t like them. How difficult is to see that someone you Love deeply is stuck, confused, unhappy, or is not making the best decision (in your opinion). It can be hard to support them until they find a way out, a solution, or a new and better path in life. We frequently give unasked advice to others, with our best intentions, and it might not help the other person to move forward or to feel better. In order to relate authentically with others, you should know who you are. You see the world through your own eyes, and you decode what happens to you influenced by past experiences, your belief system, your childhood, education, and the environment you live in. When you look at someone else, try to be neutral. You may inadvertently judge others, or project into them what you have not solved in your life, haven’t overcome or understood yet, or everything you are not conscious of, because it is suppressed or repressed. We blame others for making us feel a certain way, when they are giving us an opportunity to resolve underlying issues and unconscious patterns, and to heal past wounds that still affect us in the present. We create relationships that are based on the ideas that we have about what our connection with a person should look like. Maybe we don’t know the real ‘person,’ not because they don’t allow us to do so, but because we don’t see who they really are. Sometimes, we idealize someone and, after the honeymoon period, once we see how the other person really is, we reject them. The other person has not changed, they were always the same. What has changed is only our opinion, and we realize that we were relating to this person through the filter of our own ideas about how the relationship should be. If you want to really know someone, take your time to be with this person and build the connection; invest in it. Listen to what they say, and look at the way they act. Their behavior may speak louder than their words. When you are together, be one hundred percent present and give this person all your attention. You will perceive a lot more than mere words in a conversation. When you listen, don’t listen to answer, just listen deeply and actively. Make an effort to respond, not to react to what is said. Choose your words carefully and think if what you are going to say just fills the silence, or if it is really meaningful, uplifting, and necessary. We learn a lot in our relationships. We become better beings in relation to others. We change the lives of those whom we Love. We are transformed by the Love we give and receive. Every relationship should bring out the best of each person (hopefully!), and if this is not the case, it might be teaching you something. If a relationship you are in is not working, don't only blame the other person, always look at yourself too, and figure out what can you do on your end to improve it, even if it is just to be more loving. Look at what you bring to every one of your relationships, and try to be at your best in every encounter or conversation. Don’t ask for Love, shared it, give it freely and it will return to you multiplied. "But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between
you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls" Khalil Gibran Life is not static, it is constant creation. All you desire is already happening somewhere, at this exact moment. You don’t know why this is possible. You cannot understand how you are creating, but it doesn’t matter, it will happen while you keep your desires alive, don’t stand in your own way, and are open to receiving, at any moment. In some place, there is someone that will Love you the way you are, someone that will treat you like you deserve, someone that will share all his Love with you without asking you for anything in return. The fact that unsuccessful relationships are part of your story, doesn’t mean that the most wonderful Love is not around the corner. There is the perfect place for you, the house of your dreams exists or is already being built someplace. The place where you belong and that feels like home is waiting for you. You will get there if you allow it to happen. It is not a matter of time, effort, or money; it is a matter of readiness. Your task when faced with anything you desire in life is to make yourself ready to receive it. Don’t sabotage your opportunities. Your life can change for the better at any moment. You should expect the best because this is what the Universe has in store for you. You deserve it. Can you believe it? Stop thinking about what can go wrong, where can you fail, about the worst case scenario. Don’t judge your life and put yourself down. Don’t put limits on yourself. Don’t say no. Be open to receiving all that can come to you unexpectedly, when you less imagine it, in a way you haven’t experienced before. Let go of your timing and the life you have planned, and open yourself up to the world of imagination. There is a different way of living and being, and it is simpler than what you may be experiencing now. It is based on being in alignment, on the connection between your thoughts and emotions, your words and your actions. When you are connected, you feel confident because you know that you are not alone, that you are always guided. You perceive clearly that you are not the creator of your life, that there is a more powerful force, call it what you want, that helps you at any moment if you allow it to happen. You have free will though, and you can always choose how you want to live your life. Expect the unexpected. Convince yourself that step by step you can build the life you want, that nothing is eternal and that wonderful changes can happen at any moment. Focus your attention and intention in what matters to you, but without putting pressure on yourself. At all moments there is Love available for you, at all moments, there is hope in front of you, at all moments there is happiness around you. Take what you need and share it. Elevated thoughts, loving thoughts, grateful thoughts, will change your reality at any moment. Life has big surprises and lots of gifts in store for you. Are you ready? They can arrive at any moment. "There's always going to be the circumstances you can't plan for.
There's always the unexpected relevance and the serendipity" Jason Silva Love is the force that connects all of us, it is the energy that transforms, heals and moves you. Only because of Love your existence makes sense, because you were born to learn how to Love unconditionally and how to receive this kind of Love. True Love never disappears, it cannot be killed, or extinguished. Unconditional Love never does. The real Love that I aspire to bring to the world is such a powerful energy that it can never be destroyed. It is the kind of Love a baby or a pet awakes within you. It is more than a feeling, it lasts more than a relationship or a friendship because it is always there. It is big Love, Love with a capital "L". What we learn since childhood is usually conditional Love, the one that only exchanges affection for affection, and always wants something in return, the one that tries to control or possess you, the one that you may lose at any moment if you don't behave in a certain way. But that is not Love. If someone tells you "I Love you", don't listen to the words, see what their acts say. Love has to be demonstrated to be real Love; it cannot be just a word. When you Love someone truly, unconditionally, for no specific reasons, you experience divine Love. You can Love someone in spite of themselves. Not because they are doing something for you, not even because they are in a relationship with you. You can Love others and yourself because you choose to. When your Love comes from you and it is based on your decision to Love everything and everyone no matter what, it is real Love. Then you don't have to wait for others to Love you, because you recognize and connect with the Love within yourself and, being filled with it, you can share it with others and multiply it. It comes back into your life from everywhere, as a result of you sharing your Love constantly and unconditionally. Love is energy and can be felt by others. There is no need to tell everyone I Love you. You can do it with your intention. Your energy will tell the rest of the world how loving you are, and your actions will demonstrate it. If you want to make the world a better place, the only thing that you need to do is to be more loving. This will not only transform your life, it will transform the life of those you touch, and the world as a result. Just Love! "True love begins when nothing is looked for in return"
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry All of us want to feel loved. We want to receive proof that we are loved. We want dedication and attention. We can even withdraw our Love when we are not sure if another person loves us, or when we feel insecure in a relationship. But Love is never conditional. Real Love does not expect retribution, a guarantee, and has no obligation. Love just gives without expecting anything in return. Love just wants to be expressed. The world of Love seems to be complicated. Some cannot find it, others had it and lost it, there are people that have never experienced it, others are afraid of it, or cannot express the Love they have inside themselves. We aim to poses something that we don't even know how to describe, to find, or to keep. Love can take you to the moon, make you feel special, bring out the best in you, and allow you to become a better person. But Love can make you feel miserable and vulnerable, and break your heart, and so many people have built tall walls to protect themselves from it because they believe that Love hurts. How it possible that Love can be so desired, and we all want to experience it and, at the same time, loving seems so scary and it creates so much suffering? Every relationship that we establish is an opportunity to learn how to Love and to be loved. Love is a choice. It is a state of being. It is a decision we can make, even in spite of the other person. We Love because we decide to. When we Love no matter what, for no specific reason, or without expecting anything in return, we are loving unconditionally. To be able to Love others you have to Love yourself first. By doing that, you will be able to share your Love without asking anything in return, without trying to control or possess the other person in order to assure your dose of Love. Your own Love will support you, and will allow you to be more compassionate, understanding, and less judgmental with others. Love is free like the wind, or it is not Love. You cannot demand to be loved; it has to be given to you freely. Love is a flow, we offer our Love and we receive Love. When you invest all your energy in loving yourself, you create a full battery of Love that is ready to be shared with others. You will be able to give Love without the need to receive it. Love will arrive to you anyway, your essence of Love will attract more Love into your life. The Love that you express, the Love of who you are, will make you so attractive and irresistible. Love is not an exchange. Love is what you already have within you, and you share. It is the energy that drives you. It is the solution to any problem you may have. It is the key that unlocks all hearts. Be Love. "It is all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you,
rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit" Eartha Kitt In the world we live is more necessary than ever to find a way to connect with ourselves. We are always doing, rushing, stressed, and feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. It is important to find a way to recharge the batteries of your body, mind, and soul. Find a daily practice that helps you stop the noise in your mind, the worry or fear. Figure out something that helps you to let go of the limitations and the pressure. You need an inner sanctuary. It is not a physical place; it is more a place inside of you where only you have access, your place. It is a place to relax, to unwind, an imaginary site where you can stop, relax, and find true peace. People find relaxation through meditation, breathing exercises, the sounds of nature, watching the sun rise, sitting on the beach and listening to the sound of the waves, receiving a massage, or doing exercise. But the place I am describing can be accessed at any time. It should not require a lot of time for you to get there, or a special practice. What I am suggesting is more of a pause, anytime you feel the need, to return home, a place to reconnect with who you are, with the eternal part of you, the one that is not limited by external circumstances. Try to pause during the day, and allow yourself to be centered and balanced again. Be sure you are in a meditative state throughout your day, not only when you have the time to do one of the activities that help you unwind or let go of stress. Love is a pathway to arrive to this place. Love is the energy that connects all of us and that will allow you to connect with yourself. When you have a bad day, or feel sad, your mood changes in the presence of someone you really Love. The energy of Love is contagious. But you cannot rely on others to change your state of mind, or to solve your problems. Remember that Love is always there, within you. You are Love and you always have access to Love. If you are having difficulties, if things don't look good, if you are facing problems and don't know how to solve them, go home. Go to this place that I have described, you will feel safe there. It is a space where you are supported, healed and guided. There you can have access to your higher self, a self that is connected with the Universe and with all that exists. There you will find solutions, answers and lots of Love. "Love and peace of mind do protect us. They allow us to overcome the
problems that life hands us. They teach us to survive... to live now... to have the courage to confront each day" Bernie Siegel Love is powerful. It is a force that transforms you and allows you to grow. Loving, you become the best version of yourself. Love is the force of your inner being, the fuel it needs to accomplish the agenda of your soul, and to do all you are capable of, even if you are not aware of it yet. The Love for everyone that crosses your path, and travels with you through the journey of your life, will transform your existence and theirs too. Love is the way you relate with others and with the entire Universe. Love is who you are. It is within you like the seed of a plant that grows and whose flowers blossom. The Universe is waiting for you to open your heart, totally, unconditionally. Then, a new kind of Love will grow within you. A Love without barriers and limits, a Love for everything that exists, not only people or animals, but also nature, water, air, light... a Love that does not separate by the color of the skin, teams, countries, or religions. A universal Love, an unconditional Love. Let me tell you what Love is and is not about. Love is not attachment, just being with someone, an agreement. Love is not sacrifice or stopping loving yourself to be able to Love others. Love is not sharing whatever is there; in Love we create together a new Universe. Love is not pain; Love has the power to heal you and others. Love is not need or possession, Love, because of its nature, is free like the wind. Love cannot be bought, acquired or controlled, or it stops being Love. Can you imagine what kind of world you would create if instead of sending Love only to those that belong to your family, friends, and those you cherish, you sent it to everyone and everything? Let me guide you through a nice dream... Imagine that instead of bad mood, anger, hatred, control, jealousy... you will only receive Love. How would the entire world change if every one of us, every day, every moment, focused on sending Love and being open to it? Hatred does not help you to solve anything. It is like a poison you drink that makes you sick while you are taking it. It may feel good at the beginning, but in the long term, it will only create sickness in you. If you keep hating, only you will become stuck. The person, situation, or the event you hate, might have changed or moved on, or forgiven themselves or you. It is not good or bad to hate; none of our emotions are good or bad, they are just indicators of how near or far we are from Love. Love only brings joy and happiness. If you are suffering for Love, then it is not Love, it is something else. Call Love and Love with come. Send Love and Love will arrive. Become Love and see yourself blossoming. Whatever you go you will see Love. Travel around the world and see that independently of the language they speak, the climate, how rich they are or the location in the map, people believe in Love. In the middle of a conflict, war, or invasion, there is still Love. Love always survives. It cannot be destroyed and like energy, it constantly manifests and transforms itself. You don't need someone else to change the world. You can do it on your own. You have the most powerful weapon that has ever existed: it is Love. Are you ready to share your Love? "Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get -only with what
you are expecting to give- which is everything" Katherine Hepburn Love is a state of being. It is not something that comes from the outside. Love is not a feeling, it is who you are. Look deep inside of yourself and you will find it. Love is abundant. It comes from you and it flows outwards to everyone. Love resides in you and it is dormant, waiting until the moment you awaken it within you. All the Love of the world cannot make you feel loved, if you are not able to Love yourself. You won't be able to recognize true Love coming from others, if you don't feel it coming from yourself. Love yourself simply because you are. You don't need to change or to accomplish anything to Love yourself. You only need to be committed to it. You are lovable the way you are. Accept yourself, and have the certainty that you don't need to do anything to be loved by others. Don't seek for external approval. You don't need to act in a certain way to receive Love, or to behave like others say, or to please others. Love, true Love, is unconditional. Try to be the best version of yourself, but be always authentic. Be sure that you live in the world of Love; that Love guides and inspires you; that you act in a Loving way. Love is the energy that makes you feel alive. Love is the solution to any problem. Find the way to share your Love. Tell your loved ones how you much you Love them, and demonstrate it with your actions. Give hugs, smile more frequently, embrace, kiss, share your laughter every time you can, share your joy. Learn how to Love. Give Love, but don't lose yourself in the process. Learn how to show your affection without the need to control or possess, without expectations, without wanting anything in return, without being afraid of losing your loved one. Love because you want to Love. Enjoy the Love! “In your heart is all the love you need”
Don Miguel Ruiz Have you ever asked yourself what do I need to do change my Love life, to have happier and healthier relationships with others? Let me share with you that there is something very important you can do. It is to let go, to release and to forgive. You need to make room for the new to enter into your life, and this is a perfect moment to let go of the old. Let go of the pain, the betrayal, the grievance, the rejection, the abandonment, the loneliness, the sadness, the expectations, the resentment, the anger, the abuse, the arguments, the self-sacrifice, the pleasing others... Choose the words from the list that you can relate with, or make your own list. We forget, but we don't release or forgive. But let me explain you that everything that you have ever experienced is recorded. You may not be aware, but most of your reactions in life are based in beliefs, ideas or patterns that are not conscious, they were created at one moment in time during your childhood, in the way you were raised, or how you felt at school or with friends, the relationships that you stablished throughout your life, even your relationships at work contributed. All those experiences made you, but they are not who you are. Inside of yourself there is a beautiful being, one that shines with his own light and that is full of Love and ready to share it. All the experiences that you had around giving and receiving Love may have helped you to believe that Love and relationships are complicated. All the pain you suffered in so many different ways provoked the fear to showing who you really are, to being vulnerable and open to Love and to be loved fully. But there is a different way of Loving. There is a way to get a fresh start and it is to let go of all these experiences. You don't forget, delete or deny them, you just take their power away to continue ruling the way you establish or live your relationships. Remember the good moments, the Love that you felt in so many occasions when you authentically loved and felt loved. Then release, consciously, the pain and other emotions that are sabotaging your present and future relationships. From now on dedicate some minutes to ask yourself if anything needs to be changed or released. Don't look at others as the source of your pain, look at yourself like the source of every one of your experiences. Know that you have power to transform your Love life, right now. Make yourself ready to let go of the past, forgive those who you think that hurt you, not because of they deserve it, just do it for you. Make yourself free from the past to be able to create a new future. You only need your commitment to decide to release a feeling, to stop holding on a situation, or to forgive yourself. You only need to Love yourself enough to do it. Make your happiness a priority. Give yourself the opportunity to attract different partners, lovers, friends and colleagues. The kind of people who value you and respect you, who Love you for who you are. You can do it by start recognizing your own value, appreciating it, and learning how to respect yourself. Once you Love yourself no matter what, the people that will be in your life will Love you either. Prepare the way for a new kind of Love by letting go everything that is not serving you, that it is not true, that it is stopping you. Open yourself and your heart to Love. Love is not dangerous, when it is true Love. "Let today be the day you finally release yourself from the imprisonment of past
grudges and anger. Simplify your life. Let go of the poisonous past and live the abundantly beautiful present... today" Steve Maraboli You deserve to enjoy a happy relationship. We all want to experience that magic Love that brings so much happiness, to fall in Love deeply and madly. I am sure you want to share your life with a partner that is there for you, that supports you no matter what, and that helps you to be a better person every day because of the Love you share. But we don't seem to be able to find or to create this happy and healthy Love. What we call Love creates so much suffering and drama, so many power struggles, when what we expect from it is joy and happiness. Sharing your life with a partner with whom you are connected at a soul level can enrich your life beyond measure, but relationships are never perfect. Relationships are the way we learn how to Love and be loved. Our conscious and unconscious patterns are at play when we interact with our loved ones, and especially when we establish a new relationship. It is important to take a look at our dynamics in relationships and to identify our beliefs and patterns. They are the key. They will keep repeating in relationship after relationship until we heal them. The universe will keep granting us opportunities to learn our lessons until we do. The secret of success for your relationships is not to find the "right partner"; it is to be the right partner. When you know yourself and invest time and effort in loving yourself unconditionally, your relationships improve unbelievably. If you want to establish a healthy relationship, it has to start with the relationship that you have with yourself. Don't look at others as the guilty ones. Don't project onto others what it is within you. Take responsibility in your relationships. Make them work. Love always finds a way, if it is true Love. If have suffered for Love, don't give up on Love. True Love doesn't hurt, but relationships may not work. Never forget that you are a complete individual full of Love to share. If you have not found the right partner yet, there can be certain reasons why and one of the most common is that, without you being aware of it, you are not allowing it to happen. What can be holding you back may be a fear of commitment, of suffering again, of being abandoned, the sensation that you are not good enough, or the belief that Love is too complicated... but it is always a story from your past, that is spoiling your present and your future. If you want to be in a happy and healthy relationship, you need to let go, release, forgive, and heal whatever is not allowing you to Love freely and unconditionally. Give yourself the opportunity to create a different Love story. Stop living again and again the same events with different partners, fighting for the same issues, and being in relationships where what you get is not Love. Love yourself enough to let go of a relationship if someone mistreats you, does not value you, or does not allow you to be yourself. You deserve a partner that encourages you to go after your dreams, and that allows you to be who you are. You deserve the opportunity to do the same for your partner. Learn how to Love yourself and others. It will be the best investment of your life and it will bring you so much joy. Love is who you are. "The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies,
but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together" Barbara de Angelis |
Judith Costa is a Life and Love Coach, Seminar Leader, Writer and Speaker. She has a Masters degree in Psychology & Psychotherapy and an MBA. She helps her clients to overcome their blocks to Love, to Love themselves and to manifest the relationship they want. Archives
November 2023