It is wonderful to feel Love towards someone close to you, your family, pet, children, or friends. Your heart is open, and you feel the uplifting energy of Love that creates so much joy in your life. Love is coming back to you, and you feel recognized and connected. To give and to receive Love is the secret of a happy life. But can you be intentionally loving with everyone and everything you meet today? It can be a challenge, but it is possible. We tend to reserve our Love for those close to us. What you can do, is to extend this Love to all around you. A way of being loving is to be more generous with your greetings and good wishes, with your smiles, kisses, hugs, and compliments, be grateful and appreciative, acknowledge the presence of others, listen deeply to what others have to say, share loving messages or call someone to say "You are important to me." Any little act of kindness can be important in another person's eyes, even if it is holding the door or helping someone with the supermarket bags. See how you can add more Love, and good ideas will come to your mind. Love needs to be demonstrated in action. It can be a big or a small act of Love; it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you focus on being loving. Your energy of Love will do the rest. Love is energy and can travel. You can send it to different places using only your intention. You can send Love to someone without sending a text or communicating it with words. Love will go wherever it is sent. Where do you want to send your Love today? You can just close your eyes and connect with Love. You can project Love, and you can do it by thinking about a loving experience you had. Focus on this until you feel the Love appearing in your heart. Once you feel the Love within yourself, make it more intense and focus on sending it out. Visualize how it goes out of you and is all around you. Then, see how it fills your room, the building, the city, and the entire state or area. Your Love keeps expanding until it covers all territories, countries, and planet Earth. It is your Love; you created it, and you decide where you want to send it. Look at the world with awe. Notice what is happening around you. Start developing a sense of appreciation for everything that you encounter. This appreciation will make you closer to Love. It is the first step. Love is not only this romantic feeling you see in movies; it is something you can decide to experience, create within yourself, and share with the whole world. Refrain from judging what is happening and focus on the Love around you. Consciously choose to be more loving. Choose loving thoughts expressed through loving words, and act lovingly. It is an experience you can decide to have. Today, look around you and find opportunities to Love with all your intention. "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have thepotential to turn a life around”
Leo Buscaglia
Judith Costa is a Life and Love Coach, Seminar Leader, Writer and Speaker. She has a Masters degree in Psychology & Psychotherapy and an MBA. She helps her clients to overcome their blocks to Love, to Love themselves and to manifest the relationship they want. Archives
November 2023