Have you experienced a sensation of knowing someone profoundly, but you have just met them? A feeling of familiarity with someone you just met can indicate a soul connection. You may look at a stranger in the eyes and feel totally connected to this being. You have never met, but it seems your hearts know each other. But what does all of this mean? You have a different family than the one in the flesh. You belong to a group of souls with whom you travel through lifetimes- they are your soul family. You will meet with some of these beings during this incarnation. They may serve you in so many different ways. Some beings will stay with you for a long time, and others may just cross paths with you. No matter how long the encounter is, it will be an important one. Soul Mates enter this category of soul connections, but they are not the only ones. You are connected at a soul level with people with whom you won’t establish a romantic relationship, or maybe not even a so-called relationship, because your encounter will be short but serve a good purpose in your life. Soul connections may include those beings you call friends, lovers, good colleagues, partners, and also family members. Souls, incarnated or not, serve each other and establish agreements to help one another go through challenges and grow. A person with whom you feel a sense of affinity and have known for some time may play a significant role in your life, but a new acquaintance can do the same. It all depends on your connection. Usually, souls agree to help each other with a definite purpose once both are incarnated, but it can also be done when one soul is on the other side. A being may have talents you will need in this incarnation or may support you in a way you cannot do for yourself. These souls may appear in your life when needed without being called because there was an agreement in place from before. Some may stay in your life and support you for a long time, and others can meet you briefly, stay while needed, and then leave until your next encounter. Serving others may not be what you imagine. Suppose I have decided to increase the Love for myself in this incarnation. In that case, I might establish a relationship with someone who does it and awakens this state of being within me. But I can connect with someone who loves themselves but doesn’t invite me to do so, and I, by myself because of this experience, will learn to do it on my own. Both paths are possible. Once incarnated on Earth, souls aim for unconditional Love, but don’t live it all the time. We are learning to Love. Your connections at a soul level are vital in your path of development, and will be there to help you with different matters you have decided to resolve in this lifetime, or to share the journey of Love with you. You will distinguish them for the Love you share. It doesn’t mean the relationship is perfect, but it will undoubtedly transform your life forever. “Maybe it’s not about the length of time you’ve known someone; maybe it’s about instant recognition on an unconscious level. Our souls know each other.”
S. E. Hall
Judith Costa is a Life and Love Coach, Seminar Leader, Writer and Speaker. She has a Masters degree in Psychology & Psychotherapy and an MBA. She helps her clients to overcome their blocks to Love, to Love themselves and to manifest the relationship they want. Archives
November 2023