We often want something, we want it with all our hearts, and yet we deny it to ourselves. We operate from mental processes that prevent us from accepting what we ask for. It is something more common than you imagine, not realizing that with attitudes like "I'm not good enough," "it won't happen to me," "everyone gets it except me," "I don't deserve it," and similar thoughts, we lose what we could have and what we deserve. All these thoughts or patterns are recorded in our mind, and fully functioning at an unconscious (and conscious) level. How does all this happen without us even realizing it? Sometimes it is a very subtle thing that we are not aware of and others a deeply rooted pattern. We can only receive what we think we deserve. It is as if I placed an order online, and when they are going to deliver it to my home, I do not open the door to the delivery man. I have asked for it, I have paid for it, it has cost me time and effort, but I cannot receive it because I do not think it is for me. Let me explain it to you through an example. Suppose I want to live in a mansion, but I do not have money to buy and maintain it. In that case, I will not believe that I can achieve my dream, nor make it real, because I do not think I will be able to raise that amount of money. Perhaps I also believe that mansions are only for millionaires. All these thoughts and many more are embedded in my belief system. However, if I want to live in a four-bedroom apartment, and I live in a three-bedroom apartment, it is easier for me to imagine moving from my current apartment to a larger one, and paying for it through a salary increase or a successful investment. This is how your mind works. But it is not the way the Universe operates. The Universe can guarantee you anything. It can, within divine timing, deliver to you any request that you make and that you are capable of receiving. Very often, that is the problem, your ability to receive. If it exceeds your level of imagination and confidence, if it is greater than what you think you can receive, if you think it will never be yours, if you do not understand that you are sabotaging your opportunities, you will not be able to receive it. The Universe never judges your wishes; it only gets to work to make them come true once you have formulated them, really, with intention, specifically. For the Universe, manifesting for you a studio, a four-bedroom apartment, or a mansion, is the same. You are the one who has problems in this regard, limitations, lack of faith, or unbelief. It is not about waiting with your arms crossed; you must collaborate in the process and follow the directions of the Universe, which will guide you step by step to where you want to go. In our example, you should see different apartments and look for the right one. Don't sit on the couch and wait. But the secret to success is to take it for granted the moment you request something. For everything to work, you must feel that what you have asked for is already yours. Feeling it as yours is what tells the Universe that you are capable of receiving it, that you are willing, that you are serious. It is your energy and the power of your imagination that allows you to manifest. If you see yourself living in that four-bedroom apartment, you feel it, and you see all your belongings organized, the house decorated your own way, each of your children in a new room, that's how it will be. Everything is perfect just as you imagine it, and everything will be great in that beautiful apartment that is waiting for you, just as you want it, or even better. The Universe has unlimited power that you, as a human being, are not capable of understanding. It will create the circumstances, the encounters, the way to get you not only the right apartment but the most favorable conditions and the money to pay for it, if you allow it to. That is the crucial element, allowing yourself to receive the help of that higher power that governs everything if you let it. It is a loving energy that is there to serve and help you in any situation. That will always deliver what you want. Let's start the process by desiring something. What do you want? If you need assistance or more information on how to manifest your life's desires, reach out to me at [email protected]. "Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes, and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives"
Robert Collier
We tend to take our life for granted without appreciating its gifts. There are so many things that you can appreciate every day of your life. Have you realized how many days pass by in which you don't feel this appreciation? Pause and look around while you go through your day. There is beauty all around you, little things that can make your heart sing. You can experience moments of laughter, awe, Love, and joy. Don’t miss them. To appreciate something, it is necessary to become aware of its existence. It is necessary to pay attention. To do it, you have to stop living only in your mind or on autopilot. Look around, connect with what life brings to you, be present and do one thing at a time. Once the sense of appreciation exists in your life, you can be grateful for it, but not before. Being grateful connects you to Love, Love for yourself, your life, and all that exists. Appreciation starts with yourself, with the idea of unconditionally accepting who you are and being proud of yourself, of knowing your gifts, your strengths, your worth, and what you bring to the world. To Love yourself means to appreciate yourself totally and completely. Don’t wait until you receive validation and Love from someone else. The way to get them is to value and to Love yourself. Appreciate what you have, don’t overlook it. There are so many things to be grateful for. It is so easy to focus on what is lacking in your life, but this will only bring you more lack. We tend to judge our life because it doesn’t look like the way it should. We are so hard on ourselves because we believe that we are not good enough. We can receive more abundance now, and being grateful for what we already have is the first step to making it happen. Do you need ideas about what you can be grateful for? Be grateful for having a body that works and two legs that take you wherever you want to go, for your two eyes that allow you to see a wonderful sunset. Be grateful for the Love of your family and friends, for a kiss, a smile, a hug, for the Love you receive daily. Be grateful for the breeze in your face, for the sun that bathes you, for the flower that blooms for you. Be grateful because you are alive and you have the energy to do whatever you want. Enjoy every moment of your wonderful life. Don’t wait until you lose something to appreciate it. Observe the conversation you have with yourself. Don’t get caught in thoughts that create self-doubt, judgment, and criticism. Stop thinking about the different issues you may have, pointing out what is not working, or it is not the way you want. Love what is as much as you can, even if you don’t like it, or it is not what you may have chosen. Your appreciation and gratitude open you up to abundance, to receiving, to being in the flow of life, of giving and receiving, and they will transform you and every aspect of your life. "Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you.
Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe" Dr. Wayne Dyer You are the only one that can live your life, the one that can take responsibility for what is going on, and the one that has the power to transform yourself and your life. You are more powerful than you think you are. We tend to go through life looking at how the world affects us and putting limits on ourselves. We analyze how others behave towards us, thinking that they have the power to hurt us. We complain about our family, spouse, friends, colleagues, or boss. Everyone seems to be the cause of our pain and dissatisfaction when we think about it, or we complain to others about what we are experiencing. You are the only one that can change these circumstances. You can change any circumstance with the power of your own Love, Self-Love. For example, when in a relationship someone disrespects and mistreats you, they are not the only ones that should change their behavior. You need to change too. Maybe you need to learn to say no to certain things, to respect yourself, or to set boundaries. Don't wait until others change, do it yourself. Once you do it, this person that you think that is causing your pain won't be in your life anymore. Things will change unexpectedly, or you will abandon this kind of relationship knowing that you deserve a loving partnership, and that by staying in this relationship, you are hurting yourself. If you change the way you treat yourself and how you allow others to treat you, as a consequence, those around you will change too. When you self-sacrifice in order to take care of your family or children, for example, and you don't feel well because you are exhausted and totally depleted, and you feel that you don't have a life anymore, you are hurting yourself. There is a way to change your life circumstances, but maybe not the way you have thought about. There is a way to ask for help, real help, from those who Love you, and also help from the Universe. Think about a typical situation where you have too much to do at home. You can ask your partner to be more involved and help you, or you can ask the Universe to bring you the money you need to be able to pay for a cleaning lady, or for a nanny. That will allow you to rethink your schedule, or work from home, or part-time, to be able to take care of yourself and your family with energy, passion, and also feel well in the bargain. Only you can create these possibilities. When the abundance is not there, and you feel that you are limited because without it, you cannot do what you want, only you can solve it. By loving yourself more, your energy will be better, your vibration higher, your creativity and inspiration larger, and you will feel more connected with yourself, others and the Universe, seeing more solutions and opportunities. This shift will allow you to receive what you feel you deserve, to open the doors of your heart, and to share all the Love you have, and this will bring more Love into your life. This will improve not only your relationships, but every area of your life, and you will see abundance enter your life, that people around you are happier, that life becomes less a struggle and more a dance with the Universe, and then you will understand the magic of life. You can shift now, do it! "You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the season, or the wind,
but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of" Jim Rohn Is your reality far away from what you really want? When did you stop going after your dreams? When did you give up on your hopes? If you are not living the life you want, take some time to reflect on what is important for you and invest all your energy on it. Everything is possible if you believe it is. Allow the Universe to help and guide you to achieve what you desire and is best for you. Maybe you had lots of dreams, and imagined a great life when you were young. Then life happened, and things did not turn out the way you expected. You are not in your twenties anymore, and you give a thought to your abandoned dreams and hopes from time to time, but you usually think that it is too late to make them happen; but it is not. Let me assure you that there is no excuse for not doing what you want, what makes you happy, alive, fulfilled and passionate. You should not allow yourself to live an unfulfilled life, a life without joy and purpose. Don't focus your attention on what is not working the way you want, invest all your energy and attention on what is important for you. Every minute counts. Don't wait any longer. Figure out what is the most important thing in your life right now and go for it. Don't procrastinate your happiness. Don't postpone what makes you feel alive. It does not make sense. The reason why you are on Earth is to figure out what makes you happy and do it. Contribute to everyone's happiness. Happiness is contagious. There is nothing more important than you, absolutely nothing. Your health, your wealth, your relationships, your career... your life, depend on understanding that you have to invest time and energy in finding out what is important for you, and in finding the way to enjoy it. It does not matter what you want for yourself and your life. You can have it all, but you have to believe that it is possible. This is the obstacle that most of us encounter in the path to manifesting our desires. We feel that we don't deserve the experiences, the Love, the money, the health, the job... that we want so madly. If you want, really want, to achieve something in your life, stop working hard toward it, believe that it is already yours, that you can have it. Invest time in figuring out what you are doing that is not working, what is not allowing you to have it, what is holding you back. Understand what is important for you and why it's not arriving to you easily and smoothly. When you discover what the cause is, and how you sabotage your own efforts, consciously or unconsciously, you will be able to change it, and ready to receive all you deserve. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover"
Mark Twain You are worthy of everything, you only need to believe it. Your world will transform if you realize that your worthiness is not something you have to earn, it is your birthright. Only if you Love yourself enough, you will see your own value. Others cannot recognize your worth, or give it to you, unless you establish it first. The key to create the life you desire is not to go after it and work even harder to get your goals. It is to change the way you feel about yourself and your life. Your worthiness doesn't come from what others think of you, it is based on the opinion you have about yourself. Love yourself no matter what, see how amazing you are, believe in yourself, and expect the best coming to you. You are worthy of a wonderful relationship where you can share your Love with someone you deeply Love, who values you for who you are and accepts you unconditionally. You can have an amazing bond of true Love that will enhance your life beyond measure. You deserve the best partner, your Soul Mate if it is what you want. You can share your life with someone for whom you are a priority, a partner with whom you will build a life full of happiness and fulfillment. Never stop believing in Love. Become the kind of person you want to share your life with, then the perfect partner will find you. This kind of Love is real and it is waiting for you. Don't remain in a relationship if you are not receiving the Love that you deserve. See yourself as worthy of abundance. You deserve it. Allow yourself to experience abundance in all ways. Abundance is already within you. We go after the abundance thinking that it is around us and we need to attract it, but you will be in abundance only if you allow yourself to be it. When you don't believe that you can get a certain amount of money as a salary or benefit, a certain style of life, or partner, you make an agreement with yourself to not have access to it. You set a limit in your life saying that any of those things cannot happen to you. Maybe you don't realize that you are sabotaging what you most want in your life, by not allowing yourself to receive it. There are so many reasons why you might not feel worthy of something or someone. It can be a belief, conscious or unconscious, or an agreement with yourself or others, or even fear with its different faces. Take a look inside of yourself and observe your thoughts. What is limiting you can be something you believe about yourself, something that you learnt from others, or that was said by a person you loved or admired, or maybe something that is no longer true but you still accept it. What is your opinion about yourself and your life? Ask yourself if your past, your story, or your background is determining your future. Do you believe in dreams? Have you ever allowed yourself to imagine a life different than the one you have? I encourage yourself to do it. You are worthy of everything you allow yourself to have. Reclaim your worthiness! "Self-worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy"
Wayne Dyer |
Judith Costa is a Life and Love Coach, Seminar Leader, Writer and Speaker. She has a Masters degree in Psychology & Psychotherapy and an MBA. She helps her clients to overcome their blocks to Love, to Love themselves and to manifest the relationship they want. Archives
November 2023